In short: The 11th Pentaho Community Event will be in beautiful Bologna on November 23 through 25, 2018. More details over here: PCM18
First of all, it is awesome to see how the Italia Pentaho User Group together with IT-Novum is organizing this event. And these guys are doing a fantastic job, thanks to all who are involved! (We definitely need a group picture at the event of all the hard workers.)
As of today, two month before, we reached over 220 registrations – that’s again a record in Pentaho history!
And we already have a lot of remarkable talks separated in two tracks: See and discuss the latest and greatest in Pentaho products and exciting geek stuff (techie track) as well as best practices of Pentaho implementations and successful projects (business track).
- I already have a favorite talk and it has to do with my early days of Kettle and Pentaho. I don’t write more, otherwise I get too sentimental 🙂
- Another favorite is to see how synergy works by the integration between Hitachi Vantara products and PDI, there are very exciting use cases behind! Again, I don’t tell you the name of these talks since there are sooooo many amazing talks, I will not promote one over the other, just have a look at the agenda.
- Also, check #PCM18 on Twitter to see the latest news including talks and interviews!
There is only one bad (or good) thing at the time of writing this: The techie track is already full. So just in case, you would like to participate with a talk, bring it into the business track where we have some spots left. You can apply here for your talk submission: Call for Papers
And just in case you are not registered, register now and here: PCM18
Looking forward to see you in Bologna and share all this with you! Let’s have this a great event similar to PCM17 last year in Mainz:
Oh, I forgot the most important part: There is already a playlist … songs to make the Saturday evening party great and PCM18 even more unforgettable!